Event Information
Showgirls in Hecklevision
2hrs 8mins | NC-17 | View Trailer
Friday, Jul 20, 2012 9:30 PM
"I hope you got some nice wigs, Tennis Ball..."
Directed by Paul Verhoeven, the man who brought you ROBOCOP, comes one of the most confused box office bombs ever made. This movie teaches us that you have to eat a lot of dog food and Doritos to make it in Vegas, but if you dream big and aren't afraid of showing a little skin here and there, the sky is the limit! Charge up your phone, it's gonna get real...

"Paul Verhoeven's Showgirls is a magnum opus of the absurd." - Michael Ferraro, Film Threat

"A waste of a perfectly good NC-17 rating" - Roger Ebert
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"I hope you got some nice wigs, Tennis Ball..."

Directed by Paul Verhoeven, the man who brought you ROBOCOP, comes one of the most confused box office bombs ever made.  This movie teaches us that you have to eat a lot of dog food and Doritos to make it in Vegas, but if you dream big and aren't afraid of showing a little skin here and there, the sky is the limit!  Charge up your phone, it's gonna get real...

"Paul Verhoeven's Showgirls is a magnum opus of the absurd." - Michael Ferraro, Film Threat

"A waste of a perfectly good NC-17 rating" - Roger Ebert

Film Info
Run Time:2hrs 8mins