STAFF PICKS...come see the CAC staff’s favorite films!


Cinema Arts Centre - Cinema 2 Mon, Jun 29, 2015 7:30 PM
Film Info
Runtime:85 min.
Year Released:1974
Production Country:USA
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Robert Clouse
Cast:Jim Kelly


STAFF PICKS...come see the CAC staff’s favorite films!

Jim Kelly (Enter The Dragon) plays Black Belt Jones, an expert martial artist trying to save the karate school he loves from the mafia and local drug dealers in this good-time action-packed Blaxploitation film.

Selected by Matt Roren, Box Office ManagerMonday, June 29 at 7:30 pm • Regular Admission

"When I was in high school my friends and I would go to the local video store and rent any movie we had never heard of that looked ridiculous, a lot of horror, Kung fu and screwball comedies, but none ever hit us like Black Belt Jones. From the opening theme song we knew we were already hooked. We must have rented that VHS at least 20 times to show everyone we knew, packing 15-20 of us in my parents tiny den to watch it on a 20" TV. This was our cult film. I had the pleasure to meet Jim Kelly at a convention in 2011; he was more than happy to talk to me about the film, and we laughed a lot. I’m really excited to share this movie with some more people and this time on the big screen!" - Matt Roren (USA, 1974, 85 min, R, DVD | Dir. Robert Clouse)