Rabin, The Last Day


The Main 3 Fri, Mar 4, 2016 4:00 PM
The Main 3 Sat, Mar 5, 2016 4:00 PM
The Main 3 Sun, Mar 6, 2016 4:00 PM
Ticket Prices
General Public:$8.50
Film Info
Original Title:Rabin, ha'yom ha'akharon
Program:Special Screenings
Release Year:2016
Runtime:153 min
Director:Amos Gitai
Producer:Cyril Colbeau-Justin
Francesco Di Silvio
Jean-Baptiste Dupont
Amos Gitai
David Kessler
Sylvie Pialat
Michael Tapuah
Laurent Truchot
Cinematographer:Eric Gautier
Screenwriter:Amos Gitai
Marie-Jose Sanselme
Editor:Yuval Or
Composer:Amit Poznansky


In the evening of Saturday, November 4, 1995, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated with three bullets at the end of a huge political rally in the center of Tel-Aviv. His killer, apprehended at the scene, was a 25-year-old student (and observant Jew).

But the following investigation reveals a frightening world that made this possible: a subculture of hate fueled by hysterical rhetoric, paranoia and political intrigue. Among the surprising characters depicted in the film are extremist rabbis who condemned Rabin by invoking an obscure Talmudic ruling, the prominent right-wing politicians who joined in a campaign of incitement against Rabin, the militant Israeli settlers for whom peace meant betrayal and the security agents who saw what was coming and yet, failed to prevent it.

This tribute to Nobel Peace Prize winner Yitzhak Rabin, being released in the United States just months after the 20th anniversary of his death,sheds light on an ever-growing crisis of the impunity of hate-crimes in Israeli society today.

In Rabin, The Last Day acclaimed filmmaker Amos Gitai (Kadosh, Kippur, Free Zone) masterfully combines staged re-enactments with actual news footage of the shooting (and its aftermath) to create a thought-provoking political thriller.


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