The Hunger


The Roxy Theater Screen 3 Sat, Jul 29, 2017 9:00 PM
100 min | 1983
Film Info
Series:Movie Cult
Run Time:100 min
Release Year:1983
Genre:Fantasy, Thriller
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Tony Scott
Cast Members:David Bowie
Catherine Deneuve
Susan Surandon


John (David Bowie) is the lover of the gorgeous immortal vampire Miriam (Catherine Deneuve), and he's been led to believe that he'll live forever, too. Unfortunately, he quickly deteriorates into a horrible living death, and Miriam seeks a new companion. She soon sets her sights on Sarah (Susan Sarandon), a lovely young scientist, who quickly falls under Miriam's spell. However, Sarah doesn't warm up to the concept of vampirism easily, leading to conflict with Miriam.

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