Catalog Information
Anime Acting (Ages 7-10)
Has your young one ever wanted to be in an anime ( My Hero Academia, Baruto, Avatar, etc)? Anime Acting is the perfect solution for your little creative who really enjoys anime, but is sad that it's contained to the small screen. Together we will dive into different anime styles and the stories they can tell, and how the 5 tools of an actor can translate from the anime screen to real life. Class runs September 9th through October 28th
Mondays 5:45-6:30PM
Anime Acting - Fall 2024 Class - $175.00  

 Has your young one ever wanted to be in an anime ( My Hero Academia, Baruto, Avatar, etc)? Anime Acting is the perfect solution for your little creative who really enjoys anime, but is sad that it's contained to the small screen. Together we will dive into different anime styles and the stories they can tell, and how the 5 tools of an actor can translate from the anime screen to real life. Join us at the end of the program for a performance of an anime scene the students create together in a whacky informance.

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