Shorts Block 10: Deep Dive


The Roxy Theater Screen 2 Fri, Apr 20, 2018 7:15 PM
Film Info
Series:IWFF Shorts Blocks
Run Time:89 min


Shorts Block 10: Deep Dive
In this short film series we travel under the water's surface to witness the extraordinary species that make the ocean their home.

The Spawn Tide
4 minutes, Directed by Roshan Patel, US

Each year, millions of horseshoe crabs migrate to Delaware Bay on the full and new moons of May and June. This short depicts one of these "spawn tides" in which the beach fills, for a brief moment, with this living fossil.

Deeply Invested: Coral Reefs and the Future of Florida
6 minutes, Directed by Benjamin Drummond and Sara Jay Steele, US

Ocean acidification is degrading Florida’s coral reefs, threatening communities that depend upon a healthy ocean. DEEPLY INVESTED tells the intertwined stories of scientists working to understand this urgent problem, and local business owners who rely upon the reef ecosystem.

Oceanic Aliens
6 minutes, Directed by Mike Johnson, US

OCEANIC ALIENS is an internationally award-winning short documentary that explores one aspect of how little we truly know about Planet Earth. This film illustrates just one example of a little-known class of marine species and their amazing attributes.

Jewels of the Gulf
17 minutes, Directed by Allison Albritton, US
On April 20th 2010, approximately 50 miles from the Louisiana coastline, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig experienced a catastrophic failure that resulted in the largest marine oil spill in history. Over the course of 87 days, an estimated 210 million gallons of oil surged into the Gulf of Mexico from a wellhead nearly one mile deep. A team of scientists sets out each year since the spill to document the ongoing impacts of the accident on the unique and beautiful deep sea corals that form the basis of diverse biological communities deep beneath the surface.

Hidden Life
19 minutes, Directed by
Hannah Mattner, Kaitlyn Satter, Ethan Stupp, Aaron Kohn, and Brianna Brinzo, US
An exploration of the controversy behind the “Rigs to Reefs” program, which allows decommissioned oil platforms to stay in the marine environment to act as artificial reefs.

The Mystery of the Gnaraloo Sea Turtles
25 minutes, Directed by Dof Dickinson, Australia

In remote Western Australia, scientists attached satellite trackers on the backs of ten females for the first time to plot their top-secret routes. The results – and the amazing cinematography - will astound you! Dive in and learn about life after the nesting beaches. All proceeds go towards the Gnaraloo Wilderness Foundation.

The Hunt for the Elusive Basking Shark
12 minutes, Directed by Omar Badr, UK

Conservationist Omar Badr decides to take on his most challenging conservation effort yet: turning his brother, Fareed, from a slob into a conservationist. To that end, Omar takes Fareed to witness the incredible summer basking shark migration in the Scottish Hebrides.