FASSBINDER: HIS MOVIES, MY POEMS by Drew Pisarra - Poetry Reading


Sky Room Café Mon, Jun 3 7:00 PM


Poetry Reading - Sky Room Cafe


Monday, June 3 at 7pm

Admission is Free


Join us prior to CAC’s screening of Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s The Merchant of Four Seasons for a poetry reading by Drew Pisarra from his adventurous new collection of poems inspired by the work of the legendary German filmmaker. Published by Anxiety Press.


"This book is a party in poetry, a wry, sly burst of beauty, attitude and art. Pisarra crosses from introspection to extroversion, always gazing through the lens of creative license, insight, wit and love." Monica Drake, The Folly of Loving Life


"This collection is a tour-de-force as the poetry flows with theatrical bravura and the narratives explode with erotic obsession (and poignancy). With this work, Pisarra has created a fearlessly inventive ‘cinephrastik,’ a lyrical homage to a major filmmaker from the 20th century."Regie Cabico, A Rabbit in Search of a Rolex


"In Pisarra’s Fassbinder, the psyche is set free, punching its way through a paper partition, holding a bouquet of fluorescent daffodils. Here is a poet unafraid. Here is a poet who frames stanzas like a cinematographer would. Here is a poet who can light a match with his teeth. Listen to the sound of a camera clicking behind each chiseled line—listen and watch out!"Julie Poole, Bright Specimen


About Drew Pisarra: A grantee of Café Royal Cultural Foundation, Curious Elixirs: Curious Creators, and LMCC, Drew Pisarra is author of poetry collections Infinity Standing Up (“brazen and lusty and often amusing,” The Washington Post) and Periodic Boyfriends (“strangely beautiful,” GCN).


About Anxiety Press: This independent publishing house, founded by Cody Sexton, is a new imprint of A Thin Slice of Anxiety, a press devoted to the idea that books are compulsions steeped in raw human emotion and intellect, coupled with a mission to exclusively release manuscripts that emerge from the fringes of societal norms.