Seven Samurai

The Seven Samurai | 207mins |


Capri Theatre Sun, Sep 29 1:30 PM
Film Info
Release Year:1957
Cast/Crew Info
Cast:Toshiro Mifune
Takashi Shimura
Keiko Tsushima
Director:Akira Kurosawa
Social Media
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Capri Classics presents Classic Epics.

Ever wish you could see some classic film, but doing so would put you way past your bedtime? Well, we may have found a solution that doesn't involve television.

How about a regular series featuring films over two and a half hours long shown on an early Sunday afternoon?

With an introduction by John Martello and an Intermission.

We're giving it a test run with the newly restored version of Akira Kurosawa's magnificent opus The Seven Samurai.

Three hours and twenty-seven minutes of excitement and adventure that continues to influence filmmakers around the world. The British Film Institute says "Seven Samurai is now by far the best known and influential film ever to hail from Japan."

Originally released in America in a severely truncated version, it took decades before the full length film was released in the US. Now available in a pristine restoration you should be dying to see.

Enticing? Something you'd like to encourage us to do more of? Well, you know how it works, buy tickets, show up, watch an amazing movie and let us know you'll be back.