Hundreds Of Beaver

Hundreds Of Beaver | 108mins |


Capri Theatre Fri, Jun 28 4:00 PM
Capri Theatre Fri, Jun 28 7:00 PM
Capri Theatre Sat, Jun 29 4:00 PM
Capri Theatre Sat, Jun 29 7:00 PM
Capri Theatre Sun, Jun 30 4:00 PM
Capri Theatre Sun, Jun 30 7:00 PM
Capri Theatre Mon, Jul 1 4:00 PM
Capri Theatre Mon, Jul 1 7:00 PM
Film Info
Release Year:2024
Cast/Crew Info
Cast:Ryland Brickson Cole Tews
Olivia Graves
Wes Tank
Director:Mike Cheslik
Social Media
Website:{\rtf1{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil Helvetica Neue;}}{\colortbl \red0\green0\bl


Is this the Rocky Horror of Rodents?

The Killer Tomatos of Castor canadensis?

The off the grid movie you must see?

We don't know, but lot's of people keep seing it and now you can too.

Jean Kayak finds himself stranded in a surreal winter landscape with nothing but his dim wits to guide him. Against a backdrop of ruthless elements and sinister creatures - all played by actors in full-sized mascot costumes ­ Kayak develops increasingly complex traps in order to win the hand of a mischievous lover.