MUFF: Opening Art & MN Made Shorts


The Main 3 Wed, Oct 7, 2015 1:00 PM
Film Info
English Title:MUFF: Opening Art & MN Made Shorts
Program:Minneapolis Underground Film Festival
Hosted Events
Runtime:80 min


An opening day selection of short art-related films and a MN Made short.

Not Lost! Linocut Printing with Artemio Rodriguez
Director: Tish Stringer
2015 | USA | 13 min | MN Premiere
Not Lost! layers 16mm black and white film, VHS and mini-dv in a rhythmic tapestry focusing on details of production and technology following Mexican printmaker Artemio Rodriguez on a visit to Houston, Texas. We explore his exhibition at The Printing Museum and inhabit Burning Bones Press to learn about his process and techniques, and the dream to keep print alive in a digital world.

Bone & Body
Director/Writer/Producer: Rob Burke
2015 | MN | 5 min | MN Premiere
This short film is a comparison between personal growth and community growth. It talks to the idea that we all have experiences we've faced in our lives that have shaped us and how as a community grows it is shaped similarly.

Manila Folder
Director/Producer: Laura Iancu | Writers: Laura Iancu & Robyn Schiff
2014 | USA | 3 min | MN Premiere
A boxing match, a poem and a tattoo cut together.

Tete Noise, An Interview In Tbilisi/Georgia
Director/Editor: Virginie Thérèse Colombe
2014 | Georgia | 5 min | MN Premiere
Tete Noise is a creator, poet and sculptor of sounds, making notes flying and dreams alive.

Tiny Out Loud
Director: Andrew Ina
2015 | USA | 12 min | MN Premiere
A film where size matters but not in the way you think. It is a short documentary about Stephanie Rond’s gender gouging street art and dollhouse art galleries.

Our Best Bear
Director/Writer: Sasha Statman-Weil
2014 | USA | 13 min | World Premiere
Three characters transport a giant wooden ball across town.

Among the Wild: The Arrowhead 135
Director/Editor/Producer: Brenda Piekarski
2014 | MN Made | 29 min
Follow three racers as they attempt to finish the Arrowhead 135 ultra marathon through the frozen wilderness of northern Minnesota.