Seven Seeds


The Main 5 Fri, Apr 28, 2017 7:15 PM
The Main 5 Sat, Apr 29, 2017 4:20 PM
Ticket Prices
General Public:$13.00
Youth (25 & Under/Box Office Only):$8.00
Film Info
Premiere Status:North American Premiere
Festival Programs:Cine Latino
Tags:Comedy Drama
Release Year:2016
Runtime:95 min
Website:Official Website
Print Source:Meikincine Entertainment
Director:Daniel Rodríguez Risco
Producer:Jorge Constantino
Miguel Valladares
Cinematographer:Julián Estrada
Screenwriter:Fernando Castets
Gonzalo Rodríguez Risco
Daniel Rodríguez Risco
Alfonso Santistevan
Editor:Jonatan Relayze
Javier Fuentes-León
Composer:Jose “Chick” Aguirre
Principal Cast:Carlos Alcántara
Javier Cámara
Gianella Neyra
Marco Zunino
Federico Luppi
Filmography:The Gold Tooth ('05)
El acuarelista ('08)
El Vientre ('14)
No estamos solos ('16)


In this philosophical comedy that was a blockbuster in Peru, workaholic Ignacio Rodriguez suffers a heart-attack, which is no surprise considering how much anxiety he has chasing every penny to try and keep his textile factory afloat. This obsession has another cost—he is losing the love of his wife and child. But the heart attack has a beneficial side effect: it brings the Master into his life, a wise man who can teach our hero to find the right balance between work, family, and peace of mind. Will the lesson of the Seven Seeds help save Ignacio’s job, his family, and even his life?

Based on the bestselling novel El Secreto de las Siete Semillas by David Fischman.

Director’s Biography

Daniel Rodríguez Risco: Daniel Rodríguez Risco is an award-winning Peruvian director, writer and producer. His films have been shown at festivals around the world. His previous features include El acuarelista ('06), El Vientre ('14), and No estamos solos ('16).