iMovie Workshop Grade 5-6

Please Bring this Ticket Before Coming to Class


Satellite Film Lab Sat, Mar 24, 2018 9:00 AM
Please Bring this Ticket Before Coming to Class


The Picture House’s One-Day iMovie Workshop

Saturday, March 24, 2018


Satellite Film Lab

235 Wolfs Lane, Pelham


Grades 5/6 from 9am-12pm

Grades 7/8 from 1pm-4pm


Cost: $75


Have an emerging future filmmaker at home? Want to get her off the screen and behind the camera? Sign-up today for the Picture House’s iMovie Making One-Day Workshop on Saturday, March 24th.


Students will learn best techniques for filming with iPads, storyboarding, and how to film with editing in mind, while learning the basics of iMovie including how to add music, special effects, and graphics to their films. Taught by a professional filmmaker, the three-hour workshop will teach your young moviemaker how to incorporate other apps and special techniques to make their original work stand out from the crowd.


The Picture House will provide iPads with iMovie for the on-site workshop and all students will leave with a link to their finished project as well as a cheat sheet they can use when they iMovie videos on their devices at home.