The 'Burbs


The Roxy Theater Screen 3 Sat, Mar 12, 2022 8:00 PM
Film Info
Series:Movie Cult
Run Time:102 min
Release Year:1989
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Joe Dante
Cast Members:Tom Hanks, Bruce Dern, Carrie Fisher


Movie Cult

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Settling in for some time off in his suburban home, Ray Peterson's (Tom Hanks) vacation becomes a horror when the Klopeks, a suspiciously odd family, move in down the block. Enlisting the aid of his paranoid buddy, Art (Rick Ducommun), and his militia-man neighbor, Rumsfield (Bruce Dern), Ray sends his son and wife (Carrie Fisher) away on a trip while he investigates the Klopeks. When a neighbor disappears, Ray and his cohorts risk their lives to save their cul-de-sac from the clutches of evil.