Event Information
A Fantastic Woman
Chile, 2017, 104 min, 2K DCP, Dir. Sebastián Lelio, Spanish with English subtitles
Thursday, Feb 15, 2018 8:45 PM
Marina needs to mourn the loss of her loved one and is rejected by a family hostile to her gender identity.
Event Pricing
Admission Adult - $12.75
Admission Seniors (65 +) with Valid ID - $11.00
Admission Students w/ Valid ID (up to 25 years) - $11.00
Admission Military with Valid ID - $11.00
Admission Child (12 and Under) - $8.00

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The otherwise conventional Orlando has left his wife and kids for Marina (Daniela Vega), a passionate transgender person and much younger waitress-singer. After his sudden, unexpected death, Marina faces the suspicions of the police, the angry incomprehension of Orlando’s family and the discovery she’ll be denied the usual privileges of a grieving loved-one and life partner. On one level, writer-director Sebastián Lelio (Gloria) creates a vivid depiction of the petty injustices and prejudices that outsiders face in any society. But Lelio’s masterful tonal control and the intensity of Vega’s presence create something more universal: a lyrical melodrama about coping with the loss of love. A Fantastic Woman is Chile’s nominee at the Academy Awards.