Event Information

Never Give Up! Minoru Yasui and the Fight for Justice

Hosted by The Historical Museum at Fort Missoula
Friday, Oct 12, 2018 7:00 PM
A moving film about one man's fight for justice in the face of Japanese-American incarceration during WWII.
Event Pricing
Admission General Admission - $4.00

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Join the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula and Holly Yasui Producer, Writer, Co-Director, and daughter of Min Yasui) for this moving film about one man's fight for justice in the face of Japanese-American incarceration during WWII. Tickets will be available in September. Members of the Friends of the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula and students will be free, all others $4.00. 

Never Give Up! Minoru Yasui and the Fight for Justice (Part One) tells the story of Minoru (Min) Yasui, son of Japanese immigrant parents, born in 1916 and raised in the farming community of Hood River, Oregon. He was the first Japanese American attorney in Oregon, and during World War II, he initiated the first legal test challenging the forced removal from the West Coast and subsequent incarceration of over 120,000 persons of Japanese ancestry in U.S. concentration camps. The film documents his and his family’s experiences during the war and his nine months in solitary confinement awaiting his appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. This version of the film also contains a brief summary of Part Two – Yasui’s postwar life, including his ongoing defense of the human and civil rights of all people; his leadership role in the Japanese American Redress movement, the reopening of his legal case, and the posthumous award of a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2015.

Film Info
Series:Hosted by The Historical Museum of Fort Missoula
Run Time:90 min
Hosted By:The Historical Museum of Fort Missoula
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Holly Yasui, Will Doolittle
Cast Members:George Takei
Writers:Holly Yasui