Catalog Information
Act Out!( Ages 6-8)
ACT Out ( Ages 6-8) is designed for creative, dramatic, and energetic students interested in learning the basic tools of acting and using their imaginations. Students can expect to learn and demonstrate the 5 tools of the actor - concentration, cooperation, imagination, body, and voice - through various games and activities. Our professional teaching artists [we] create the perfect environment for students who are looking to make new friends, move their bodies, and make some noise! Join us at the end of the session for the student-driven informal performance where the students will imagine and execute their own story to perform.Class runs September14th through November 2nd
Saturday 11:00-11:50PM Class runs September14th
Act Out!( 6-8) - Fall 2024 Class - $175.00  

Classe runs September14th  through November 2nd Saturdays from 11:00-11:50 PM

Class description ACT Out is designed for creative, dramatic, and energetic students interested in learning the basic tools of acting and using their imaginations.  Students can expect to learn and demonstrate the 5 tools of the actor - concentration, cooperation, imagination, body, and voice - through various games and activities.  Our professional teaching artists [we] create the perfect environment for students who are looking to make new friends, move their bodies, and make some noise!  Join us at the end of the session for the student-driven informal performance where the students will imagine and execute their own story to perform.

Informance will be on the last day of class November 2nd

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