48 Hour Film Competition


Sky Room Café Fri, Aug 18, 2023 6:45 PM
Sky Room Café Fri, Jul 26 7:00 PM


Teams meet at CAC on Friday, July 26th at 6:45 PM, Contest begins at 7 PM
Films must be submitted by Sunday, July 28th by 7PM
Registration is $85-per-team (6 people max per team)
Screening of completed films: Friday, August 16th at 7:00 PM

Get ready for the ultimate filmmaking challenge. Do you have what it takes to make a movie in only 48 hours?!

Filmmaking teams have just one weekend to make a short film. Filmmakers don’t know what genre they will be shooting until the start of the competition. All creativity - writing, shooting, editing and adding a musical soundtrack - must occur within the 48-hour window beginning Friday evening at 7pm. To add to the mayhem, participants must also include some random elements that you’ll only find out about at the starting line. Every film will be shown at a special screening on August 16th, and the winning film will be shown before every show for a week at the Cinema Arts Centre, as well as at the Long Island Youth Film Festival in September! Teams are allowed a maximum of 6 members.

Each member of the top 3 teams will receive a CAC membership and the winning team will receive a $400 cash prize!

See all of the films at a special screening on August 16th, 7:00 pm,
Admission $10 Members | $16 Public | All Team Members Attend for Free

Films will be judged by the Cinema Arts Centre Youth Advisory Board

A minimum of 5 films must qualify for competition to proceed. Teams will be refunded the registration fee if too few qualifying films are entered.

To Register please complete this Registration Form
Registration is $85-per-team (click the 'Buy Tickets' button on the top of this page to pay the registration fee, or visit the CAC box office)

You Must complete The Registration form.

The competition shoot weekend runs for 48 Hours from 7pm Friday, July 26th to 7pm Sunday, July 28th. The entire content of the Short film must be shot and edited within the 48 hours of the competition.

Teams must gather at the Cinema Arts Centre Sky Room Cafe on Friday, July 26th at 6:45pm to receive instructions, genre of film, and necessary elements.

Your Short film MUST include the Final closing credit: “This film was made as part of the Cinema Arts Centre 48-Hour Film Competition”

The Entry must be in an mp4 or mov File format, 16:9 Aspect Ratio, submitted on a USB memory stick. (USB sticks cannot be returned). Films must be 5 minutes or less.

The file should be named with your Team Name (without spaces, punctuation or non alpha-numeric characters) followed by ’2024'. Under Score _ is acceptable as a replacement for a space separator. Do not use your Film title – just the Team Name.

All Music must be original and created specifically on the Shoot weekend. Composers and music contributors must fill out a release form and a music cue sheet.

All teams must fill out the wrap sheet (when you drop off your film) before 7pm at the close of competition. 

All participants must fill out and sign a release form (signed by Parent/Guardian if under 18) that is to be held by the Team leader, including property release forms for identifiable or private properties, business buildings, or managed spaces such as Shopping Malls, Airports, Museums, schools etc. Even participants who aren’t official members of the team must fill out a release form.

The short film must include all the required elements as supplied at the launch, and the required line of dialog must appear in the film exactly as given to be eligible for judging.


Don’t be late. 48 Hours is the time allowed. Any entries submitted after 6:59pm EXACTLY are not eligible for entry into the competition.

Don’t include any preexisting film or sound in your short. This includes images and sounds that may appear in the background such as TV, radio, or music. No licensed pre-existing music allowed.

Don’t change the required line of dialog. It must appear in the film as given.

Don’t use any AI-generated material. Films with AI will be disqualified.

Don’t submit Tapes, CD files or DVD’s of your film. They are not accepted.

Do not screen your short prior to the screening. Do not upload your short to any file sharing network or website such as youtube or vimeo until after the screening event.

Please don’t leave it until Sunday night to input and output a film with your editing software and system.
Practice it, test it, and give yourself double the time to do it on the day.