
Tuesday | 110mins |


Capri Theatre Fri, Jul 5 4:00 PM
Capri Theatre Fri, Jul 5 7:00 PM
Capri Theatre Sat, Jul 6 4:00 PM
Capri Theatre Sat, Jul 6 7:00 PM
Capri Theatre Sun, Jul 7 4:00 PM
Capri Theatre Sun, Jul 7 7:00 PM
Capri Theatre Mon, Jul 8 4:00 PM
Capri Theatre Mon, Jul 8 7:00 PM
Film Info
Release Year:2024
Cast/Crew Info
Cast:Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Lola Petticrew
Director:Diana Oniunas-Pusic
Social Media
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The critics are raving about Julia Louis-Dreyfus performance as the mother of a teenage daughter, Tuesday, who must confront Death when it arrives in the form of an astonishing talking bird. From debut filmmaker Daina O. Pusic, Tuesday is a heart-rending fairy tale about the echoes of loss and finding resilience in the unexpected.

"Tuesday" is weird and transfixing — never predictable and never boring. Louis-Dreyfus is both chilling and deeply empathetic as this woman who has been paralyzed by grief even before it's happened. She seems to be preparing for her own death in a way, unable and unwilling to process a life without her daughter who, at this point, doesn't even realize that her mother still loves her. Petticrew holds their own, going head-to-head with Louis-Dreyfus at her cruelest, exhibiting a wisdom beyond their years and fitting of a person who's had to grow up and face death far too early.

We don't promis happiness, but a good cry may do you good.