
Showing In

Short Block 6
New People Cinema Sun, Nov 8, 2015 5:00 PM
A screening block of short films
Film Info
Director:Matthew Goodrich
Running Time:14
Year of Release:2014


Kev, a father of two, finds himself slowly breaking down in the wake of his wife’s mysterious disappearance. The only clues to her disappearance reside within an empty farmhouse surrounded by slaughtered farmhouse animals. Left with his daughters and sister in law, he battles feelings of abandonment and betrayal coupled with outlandish fantasies of a beast that haunts the household and surrounding woods. His daughters attempt to reach out to him for emotional solace and find nothing but the cold shell of a man they no longer recognize. Emotions reach fever pitch as Kev descends into paranoid delusions that reach out hauntingly from a macabre and elusive past. Scission is a story about tension, loyalty and the shaky limits of a susceptible mind caught in a downward spiral of morbid fantasies, nightmarish visions and the great, dark unknown