Black Dynamite

U.S., 2009, 84 min, 35mm, Dir. Scott Sanders, Rated R, Sony Pictures


Coral Gables Art Cinema Sat, Nov 18, 2017 11:30 PM


In the 1970s, Black Dynamite, a Vietnam War veteran and former CIA officer, vows to clean up the streets of drug dealers and gangsters after his younger brother Jimmy is killed by a shady organization. Michael Jai White and his team wrote Black Dynamite in three weeks and proceeded to shoot it in twenty days on Super 16 Kodak Color Reversal film stock to imitate the look and feel of past Blaxploitation movies. The result is a film that is as funny as it is meticulous in its presentation and homage to the classic blaxploitation movies of the 1970s. Chris Hardwick, in his Nerdist Podcast, claimed the film was "one of the best comedy films I've seen in my life."