Sky Room

Showing In

Films in Competition 1
Main Theater - Michigan Theater Tue, Mar 20, 2018 8:15 PM
Prior to the screening, Karilú Forshee and Steve Jarosz perform “¡Ay Carmela!” and “Si Se Calla el Cantor.”
Film Info
Event Type:Films in Competition 1
Release Year:2017
Production Country:USA
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Marianna Milhorat


Someone is missing. Plants grow, but at what cost? Technology threatens and seduces as humans attempt to solve a mystery through telepathy and mirrors. Stainless steel and broken glass strewn about an intergalactic discotheque. Commissioned by the Chicago Film Archives and made in collaboration with sound artist Brian Kirkbride, with footage and sound from the archive chopped, manipulated, and arpeggiated into a fertile mix of anthem and narrative.