Sweet Love

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The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons from a Mythical Man
Roxie Theatre Fri, Jun 1, 2018 9:31 PM
Whether it be singing karaoke late at night with strangers or crashing a kickball game, Bill Murray lives in the moment and by doing so, creates magic with real people. Follow as this comedic icon partipates in stories previously presumed to be urban legend.
The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons from a Mythical Man
Roxie Theatre Wed, Jun 6, 2018 9:31 PM
Whether it be singing karaoke late at night with strangers or crashing a kickball game, Bill Murray lives in the moment and by doing so, creates magic with real people. Follow as this comedic icon partipates in stories previously presumed to be urban legend.
Film Info
Director:Stephen Crompton
Running Time:20 min.
Year of Release:2016


Alvin Bojar, a retired entertainment producer, recounts his experiences, from more than forty years earlier, of writing and producing a bizarre softcore porn film called Fongaluli. It tells the story of a scientist who discovers a rare plant leaf that temporarily transforms his pet lobster into a beautiful woman, presenting new possibilities for interbreeding.As Alvin recalls the intent and circumstances surrounding this truly surreal production, Sweet Love ponders the parallel absurdity of life in heaven’s waiting room.