

Ped Mall -Scene 1 Wed, Dec 19, 2018 10:00 PM
Series Info
Series:Late Shift at the Grindhouse
Film Info
Runtime:89 minutes
Director:Michael Cooney
Year Released:1997
Production Country:USA


Wednesdays get weird when Late Shift hosts Ross Meyer, Joe Derderian and Aaron Holmgren dig up low-budget b-movies, horror and gore-fests, and camp classics for your viewing pleasure. Buy your ticket and take a ride in our Time Machine! Punch in and earn a bonus! $3 Pabst Blue Ribbon tallboys and $2 small popcorn! PLUS -- special custom trash trailer reel curated by Ross with cheap swag and prize giveaways!


"It wears its low budget proudly on its sleeve, moves at a fast pace, features some genuinely fun characters and has about it a great sense of twisted dark humor." - Ian Jane, RockShockPop.com

"Always on my watch list for Christmas Horror." - Baron Craze, TheHorrorTimes.com

"Jack Frost specializes in overly ridiculous entertainment. It's pretty much inherent to the storyline, as the moment you mention 'killer snowman' it is impossible to hold back some sort of an eye raising smirk." - ChuckNorrisAteMyBaby.com

On his way to be executed, the vehicle containing notorious serial killer Jack Frost collides with a chemical truck, turning Jack into a snow-covered mutant and unleashing him on the unsuspecting town of Snomonton, "The Snowman Capitol of the Midwest".

Jack immediately uses his blizzardy abilities to seek revenge on the bungling Sheriff (Christopher Allport, To Live and Die in L.A.) who accidentally ends his cross-country killing spree. Can the residents of Snomonton fight back against the psychopath snowman from Hell, or will they all end up in a snow-covered grave?

Co-starring Elizabeth Shannon (American Pie) in one of her most infamous roles.