The Recipe for Balance (La receta del equilibrio)

No Longer Available

Ticket Prices
General Public:$10.00
Film Info
Original Title:La receta del equilibrio
Premiere Status:Sneak Preview
Festival Programs:Cine Latino
The Art of Living
Cine en Familia
Release Year:2020
Runtime:70 min
Print Source:Freak Agency
Director:Óscar Bernàcer
Producer:Jordi Llorca
Óscar Bernàcer
Joana M. Ortueta
Iván Martínez-
Rufat y Pilar Llorca
Cinematographer:Celia Riera
Screenwriter:Óscar Bernàcer
Editor:Vicente Navarro y Jordi Montañana
Principal Cast:Ricard Camarena y Mª Carmen Bañuls
Filmography:El hombre que embotelló el sol (2016)
Los que buscamos (2019)


Sneak Preview

Reserve your ticket and start watching through October 22. You will have 48 hours to complete once you begin watching.
Access to Cine Latino en casa/At Home is geo-restricted to viewers in Minnesota and a MN billing address is required to purchase a ticket.

Live Q&A Saturday, October 17 at 3:30pm.

Watch the recorded Q&A on Facebook


About The Recipe for Balance

Ricard Camarena bases his cooking on València’s orchards. His constant search for harmony between flavors has seduced critics and crossed borders. Alongside Mari Carmen Bañuls, the brains behind the restaurants, they make an unbreakable team that has overcome great adversity to reach success, endorsed by two Michelin Stars and the recent National Gastronomy Prize. Just as the couple reach an equilibrium of success, the outbreak of COVID-19 force them to face an unprecedented challenge: re-open their restaurants with the uncertainty that this “new normal” imposes. Unaware of the pandemic, València’s orchards have continued their natural cycle of growth.

Recommended for Ages 10+

Ricard Camarena basa su cocina en las huertas de València. Su constante búsqueda de la armonía entre sabores ha seducido a la crítica y traspasado fronteras. Junto a Mari Carmen Bañuls, la mente detrás de los restaurantes y madre de Ricard, forman un equipo inquebrantable que ha superado grandes adversidades para alcanzar el éxito, avalado por dos Estrellas Michelin y el reciente Premio Nacional de Gastronomía. Justo cuando la pareja alcanza un momento de mucho éxito, el brote de COVID-19 los obliga a afrontar un reto sin precedentes: reabrir sus restaurantes, apelando a esas huertas de València que han continuado su ciclo natural de crecimiento, a desarrollar nuevos protocolos para preparar la comida y servir a los comensales y en definitiva navegar la incertidumbre que impone esta “nueva normalidad” para salir adelante.

Director Biography

Óscar Bernacer

Óscar Bernàcer (Palma de Mallorca, Spain. 1978) has written and directed the short films Las zapatillas de Laura (2009), Desayuno con diadema, (2012), Bikini (2014), Apolo81 (2015), and Stanbrook (2020), with which he has harvested more than 160 awards, as well as the full-length documentaries El hombre que embotelló el sol (2016) and Los que buscamos (2019), premiered at the SEMINCI. In television he has directed the fiction series La Forastera and three seasons of the documentary series Cuineres y cuiners, with chef Ricard Camerena. La receta del equilibrio culminates three years of work together with this prestigious Valencian chef.

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In this year when we cannot gather in person, and when you, our valued audience, cannot come to Cine Latino, Cine Latino will come to you - as CINE LATINO AT HOME / EN CASA! Cine Latino, the region’s only showcase of Latin American and Ibero cinema, features a rich tapestry of narrative and documentary films from across the globe from some of the world’s most acclaimed and up-and-coming Spanish- and Portuguese-language filmmakers.