Shorts: Animation 1

  • Charlotte's Photographs
  • Copycut Scanfill
  • Empty Places
  • Green Grass
  • Pilar
  • Poise
  • Sad Beauty
  • The Fire Next Time
  • The Winter

No Longer Available

Ticket Prices
General Public:$13.00 (+ $2 online fee)
Members:$10.00 (no online fee)
Film Info
Festival Programs:Shorts
Minnesota Made
Social Justice
Science Fiction
Culture & Society
Best of Fest Encores
Runtime:71 min


Part 1 of a selection of local and international animated shorts.

Films are listed here in screening order.

Charlotte's Photographs: The forgotten snapshots of a nurse in 1940's Minneapolis take us into the world of women's work in this animated musical documentary.
Director: John Akre | Runtime: 10 min | Country: USA | 2020 | English


Sad Beauty: In a heavily polluted world, a young woman mourns the disappearance of animal species. When she falls ill due to a bacterial infection, nature appears to send her a message in her hallucinations.
Director: Arjan Brentjes | Runtime: 10 min | Country: The Netherlands | 2020 | English


Copycut Scanfill: Photos collapse and colors collide in this jauntily abstracted cartoon!
Director: Colin Stanhill | Runtime: 5 min | Country: USA | 2021 | no dialogue


Pilar: A dangerous intruder gives Pilar the chance to discover the wild animal within and the means to escape the post-apocalyptic village she lives in.
Directors: Yngwie Boley, J.J. Epping, Diana van Houten | Runtime: 9 min | Country: The Netherlands, Belgium | 2020 | no dialogue


Green Grass: Two hopeful migrants make the arduous journey to what they’re sure must be a better life only to confront the reality that their destination may no longer be the place they believed it was.
Director: Michael Greco | Runtime: 8 min | Country: Canada | 2020 | English


The Fire Next Time: Rioting spreads as social inequality causes tempers in a struggling community to flare, but the oppressive environment takes on a life of its own as the shadows of the housing estate close in.
Director: Renaldho Pelle | Runtime: 8 min | Country: United Kingdom | 2020 | no dialogue


Empty Places: Completed before the global lockdown, Empty Places is an ode to the melancholy of machines.
Director: Geoffroy de Crécy | Runtime: 9 min | Country: France | 2020 | no dialogue


Poise: Lying on the bed of a small room, a man is in a stalemate, unable to decide. Time is suspended within and outside of him, in the minimalist room and in the geometric city.
Director: Luís Soares | Runtime: 7 min | Country: Portugal | 2020 | no dialogue


The Winter: Walking in a snowy forest, a peasant sees a mysterious deer and goes to follow it. The deer allures him and the peasant even wants to catch it.
Director: Xin Li | Runtime: 5 min | Country: Australia | 2020 | English


Included Shorts

Charlotte's Photographs (10min)
Sad Beauty (10min)
Copycut Scanfill (5min)
Pilar (9min)
Green Grass (8min)
The Fire Next Time (8min)
Empty Places (9min)
Poise (7min)
The Winter (5min)