Magic, Mind Reading and Mayhem with Robert Strong and guest magicians Jay Alexander, Kevin Blake, Andrew Evans, Kent Kenkins, and Colin Cloud. Hosted by Samson Koletkar


Gateway Theatre Tue, Jan 31, 2023 8:00 PM


Magic, Mind Reading and Mayhem: with Magicians Robert Strong, Jay Alexander, Kent Kenkins (AKA "Snubby J"), Andrew Evans, Colin Cloud and Kevin Blake. Hosted by Samson Koletkar. Produced by Robert Strong SF Sketchfest's Resident Magician

Awards, awards, and more awards. Five of the most awarded magicians Sketchfest could afford. Six completely different styles of magic in one show. From the friendly con artist Robert Strong, to the uniquely modern illusionist Andrew Evans, to the master of mind tricks Jay Alexander, to the storytelling illusionist Kevin Blake, and to the witty mind reader David Gerard. Over 150 years of combined experience crammed into 75 minutes of interactive magic, comedy, and mysteries of the mind. ($30 Front/Center, $20 Rear/Sides, All Ages)