Looking for Horses

No Longer Available

Access Virtual Cinema


Screening Room - Michigan Theater Thu, Mar 24, 2022 5:00 PM








Looking For Horses

Stefan Pavlovic

Amsterdam, Netherlands | 2021 | 88 | HD Video

A film about a friendship between the filmmaker and a fisherman. One lost his mother-tongue because of a stutter, the other lost his hearing during the Bosnian civil war. They look for ways to communicate, while the camera mediates their growing bond.


Featuring Paul Cheverria, Tammy Kinsey, Joey Lopez, & Sarah Katherine Moore.

Presented with short in competition

(tourism studies)

Joshua Gen Solondz

Tokyo, Baghdad, Amsterdam, Brussels, Golan Heights, Livingston, Baltimore, and Los Angeles | 2019 | 7 | 35 mm film

“A collection of unused footage/home movies accumulated over ten years that became too much of a weight. The material became a Rorschach test, I saw an accepting cloud.” - JGS