Twin Cities German Film Festival: Unser kurzes Leben (Our Short Life)


The Main 3 Fri, Nov 4, 2022 7:00 PM
Film Info
Program:Twin Cities German Film Festival
Release Year:1980
Runtime:109 min
Country/Region:German Democratic Republic
Print Source:DEFA (Deutsche Film Aktiengesellschaft) Film Library
Director:Lothar Warneke
Principal Cast:Marleen Lohse
Jeremy Mockridge
Max Mauff



Introduction by Dr. Juliane Schicker, assistant professor of German at Carleton College.

About the film

The fun-loving, 26-year-old architect Franziska Linkerhand (Simone Frost) works for a famous professor. Yet, she feels restrained by her dependence on him and longs to take risks. When her marriage falls apart, she moves to a small town for a fresh start. Franziska approaches her new life with vigor and idealism. Many of her colleagues have given in to the dictates of economic restrictions and prefabricated apartment blocks; but Franziska hangs onto her ideals and, as in her private life, is not willing to compromise…

Brigitte Reimann’s bestselling semi-autobiographical novel, Franziska Linkerhand, became a cult hit in both East and West Germany. Readers were fascinated with the radical, emancipated, sensitive protagonist who passionately rebels against social assumptions and contradictions.

About the Twin Cities German Film Festival

The Germanic-American Institute is proud to announce a new annual event, the Twin Cities’ first German film festival! This four-day event is produced with support from the DEFA Film Library at UMass Amherst and the Goethe-Institut Chicago. The inaugural theme, “Reel Women,” highlights German films with women at the center of the narrative—women who use their passions and skills to instigate changes in their own lives and in the lives of those around them.

Advance: $10
At the door: $12