
Online Screening Only Available to Viewers in the United States
  • Diòba

No Longer Available


The State Theatre #1 Wed, Mar 22, 2023 7:00 PM



Club Havana/Heidelberg


Creative Washtenaw


Adriana Rojas Espitia
Medellín, Colombia | 2022 | 83 | DCP
Elba is an indigenous woman who has lost her roots. She is 63 years old and lives alone in a humble peasant house located inside a forest. She spends her days between her house and the forest. She fulfills her needs partially with what she finds along the paths she takes every day through the woods, that is where she gets seeds and plants. Elba is a hermit consumed by her own life. She lives obsessed with a picture hanging in her room; a photo of an indigenous girl on the day of her First Communion. The day arrives when Elba must battle her own delusions, revive them and expel them. This may or may not help her rediscover herself, her essence, her roots.