Sunday October 6th / 10am-1pm
How to Get Your Documentary Made and Distributed
Filmmaker Steven Taub
$45 Public | $35 Members
Emmy-nominated Filmmaker Steven Taub for an in-depth exploration of the crucial
steps to get your documentary film made and seen. The seminar will cover
Writing, Directing, Producing, Lighting, Camera, etc. As well as the essential
behind the scenes politics of making connections, networking, pilots, sizzle reels
and finances. Mindset and programming decisions by networks and Executives will
also be discussed. Among the topics covered will be… Pre-Production
Planning / Writing an effective treatment / Getting
non-profit status - 501C3 / Raising Funds / Foundations
- how they work / Interviewing techniques and tips / Great
organizations for independent Producers to join / Budget Planning
& Production Planning / Releases from participants / Licensing
& legal rights / How to get celebrities to participate in
your project / Understanding the PBS market and other
broadcasting outlets / Selling your show / Film
Festivals / Creating effective bullet sheet & cover letter
/ Publicity / Designing your DVD-Blu-ray sleeve / Distribution.
participation is welcomed and important. This an interactive experience.
Taub is an Emmy
nominated Producer/Director and winner of the Long Island Film Festival. His
Emmy nomination was for "Laugh a Day" which aired on PBS stations
from coast to coast (including WNET13 New York and KCET Los Angeles). Steven has hosted more than 100
workshops and screenings on various film media subjects. Documentary filmmaking
is his primary area of expertise. He has been an Adjunct Professor at Five
Towns College and recently he taught at The Long High School for Performing
Arts. Steven also served on the Suffolk Film
Commission for more than ten years. His ability to communicate in a manner that
fosters understanding will further your capabilities whatever your background
is that of a neophyte or an experienced filmmaker. Making it fun and interactive are
important elements to his presentation. This seminar is wonderful for
documentary filmmakers and to those who simply want to understand this growing
genre because of their passion. 'Passion being the key ingredient'