Celebrating Black Stories


Coral Gables Art Cinema Sat, Apr 13 11:00 AM
Coral Gables Art Cinema Sun, Apr 14 11:00 AM
Film Info
Runtime:53 min


This selection of short films from NYICFF (New York International Children's Film Festival), spotlights Black narratives that transcend national boundaries, culture, and language with films in English, French, Shona, and even ASL! Join a young astronomer during a lunar eclipse, a meaningful first visit to a barbershop, and witness the magic of a neighborhood castle all in one sitting with this immersive collection of films highlighting Black storytelling.


Rachel — U.S., 2022, 3 min, Dir. Toko Shiiki

Animator Rachel Reid exudes joy as she talks about being an animator, encouraging others to follow in her footsteps.


Joyce’s Neighborhood — U.S., 2022, 3 min, Dir. Richard O’Connor

Mr Roger’s Neighborhood’s got nothing on Joyce’s house, a castle to all the local kids that’s nothing but sweetness and light.


Charlie and the Hunt — U.S., 2021, 15 min, Dir. Jenn Shaw

Charlie is a CODA (Child of Deaf Adult) with a wonderful mom and an adorable dog. When her mom’s bracelet goes missing, she sets off into the wild with her homemade map, where she uncovers breathtaking landscapes and priceless treasure.


More than Hair (Plus que des Cheveux) — Canada, 2022, 12 min, Dir. Fitch Jean, In French, with English subtitles

Sitting for the first time in a barbershop, a young black boy discovers power of black hair.


Gugu naGogo — Australia, 2020, 20 min, Dir. Taku Mbudzi, In English and Shona, with English subtitles

When a lunar eclipse stops her late-night letter exchanges, 12-year-old astronomer Gugu must find a way to reconnect with her beloved Gogo (grandmother) who lives far away in Zimbabwe.