

Film Info
Release Year:1983
Director:Andrei Tarkovsky
Language:In Italian and Russian with English subtitles
Format:4K DCP


4K Restoration


Andrei Tarkovsky explained that in Russian the word "Nostalghia" conveys "the love for your homeland and the melancholy that arises from being far away." This debilitating form of homesickness is embodied in the film by Andrei (Oleg Yankovsky, The Mirror), a Russian intellectual doing research in Italy. He becomes obsessed with the Botticelli-like beauty of his translator Eugenia (Domiziana Giordano), as well as with the. apocalyptic ramblings of a self-destructive wanderer named Domenico (Erland Josephson, The Sacrifice).


Written with frequent Michelangelo Antonioni collaborator Tonino Guerra (L'Avventura) and newly restored in 4K from the original camera negative, Nostalghia is a mystical and mysterious collision of East and West, shot with the tactile beauty that only Tarkovsky can provide. As J. Hoberman wrote, "Nostalghia is not so much a movie as a place to inhabit for two hours."


Restored in 4K in 2022 by CSC – Cineteca Nazionale in collaboration with Rai Cinema at Augustus Color laboratory, from the original negatives and the original soundtrack preserved at Rai Cinema.


"A hauntingly beautiful film. —David Parkinson, Empire Magazine