
Sky Room Café Thu, Jan 16 7:00 PM


Thursday, January 16th at 7 PM
General Admission: $20

A Climate Cafe is a welcoming, inclusive, facilitated process in community, offering space to explore our personal impact in regards to this crisis and to practice deep listening to both others and ourselves.

By courageously speaking up about our climate Peelings, we normalize chem for ourselves, but also become an active participant in breaking the collective silence. There is no other agenda, no pressure to take action, no need to bring solutions. No expectation to do or fix. Just an open invitation to share for a while with others who also care.

Participants will also have an opportunity to create a Climate Emotions Mandala - a nonverbal rake on exploring feelings related to the climate crisis.

The Climate Cafe will be facilitated by Mor Keshet, MPS, LCAT, a Huntington-based Integrative Eco Art Therapist, Long Island Regional Coordinator of' the Climate Psychology Alliance - North America, and faculty member of CERI - Climate Emotions Resilience Institute. With over 21 years of clinical experience, Mor specializes in the treatment of trauma, intergenerational dynamics, climate emotions, relational intelligence, narcissistic abuse, social justice and consciousness development.

Light refreshments will be served.