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Show of Hands
Hollywood Theatre-Sponsored Project

Show of Hands: a #MeToo Reckoning for Catlin Gabel

This is a feature documentary about the current firestorm over decades of sexual abuse by teachers, recently uncovered at one of the most prestigious k-12 schools in America. There are nearly two dozen survivors who have agreed to share their harrowing stories. Although this type of atrocious behavior is not unique to the school, at Catlin, the insular nature of economic elitism exacerbated the problem, allowing it to continue unabated, for more than 40 years. Everything changed when one former student shared her personal story online, "It opened the floodgates." Today, numerous lawsuits have been filed. Alumni are working together with (and without) the administrators to determine what kind of future is left for the Catlin Gabel School. Or if it can be saved at all.

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This is a sponsored project of Film Action Oregon, DBA Hollywood Theatre, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.